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Our Local Climate Change Position

The LWVMC supports reducing the carbon intensity of our community’s energy and transportation infrastructure in as many ways as possible. This includes educating youth and the community at large about the benefits of emissions-free technology such as solar, wind, geothermal, electric vehicles (EV’s), and heat pumps. The LWVMC also supports projects to reduce energy usage, ranging from large projects such as building code updates, insulation retrofits, public transit, and bike lanes to small changes such as LED light bulbs, caulking windows, line drying clothes, and plant-based menu options.
Read this article, published by Canary Media, about LWVMC member and Climate Team Chair, John Smillie:

He couldn’t install solar at home, so he helps nonprofits do it instead

Click on the image below and check out the
October 2022 Lunch with the League
presentation by John Smillie
(be on the lookout for the slide Invest in Households!)

Follow the link below to see what the
LWVUS is doing about Climate Change